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Connecting to Academy

Now that you have your wallet, you will connect it to RSK Academy.

Whenever you do the exercises, you need to be logged in to save your results to your account.

Connect to RSK Academy

Click on the button Connect to a wallet, located in the top right corner.

Connect to a wallet

It will open a popup window. Select Nifty wallet .

Select nifty

If you have disabled Metamask to install Nifty, it may happen that Metamask's icon appears and not Nifty. In this case, reload the page (click on F5).

Error: incorrect network

incorrect network

If you got the error incorrect network, probably you didn't select the RSK testnet network.

Review the end of lesson install web wallet to select the network correctly.

Wallet connected

You will able to see in the top right corner:

  1. the network selected on your web wallet
  2. a part of your address

For example, my address is 0x22798Ee56FC4012b9eDcC870429475129D7ec3d9

On the image bellow you can see 0x22...c3d9

wallet connected

Also it will shows new items in top menu:

  • Profile

But now they aren't important, we will talk about them later.


Now you know how to be connect to RSK Academy to register your progress in the course.

You will use the crypto wallet during all course.

Remember that whenever you do the exercises, you need to be logged in to save your results to your account.

In the next lesson you will get some tR-BTCs, that is, R-BTCs on Testnet network.