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First transfer

You will learn how to do your first cryptocurrency transfer.

You will transfer 0.01 tR-BTC to the RSK Academy wallet, a smart contract which works like a bank, managing the balance of each person.

In the future, you will learn how to withdraw your cryptocurrencies back to your account.

Copy the address

Copy the address of RSK Academy wallet:


Send / transfer button

Click on button send in Nifty wallet.

Nifty send

Fill in the fields:

  • Recipient address
  • Amount

Nifty send parameters

Check it this example:

Nifty send next

Click on button next

Nifty send submit

Then click on the button submit

Congratulations! You sent your first transaction to Blockchain!

Transaction pending

When we send a transaction, it goes to the node's mempool, which in this case is the Nifty node.

Then the node broadcasts (propagates) the transaction to the other nodes on the network.

It will wait for a miner to verify that it is a valid transaction and include it in a block.

Only after the transaction is in a block, is it considered a confirmed transaction on the network.

Nifty transaction pending

Transaction confirmed

Nifty wallet will show a popup window warning you that the transaction has been confirmed.

Nifty transaction confirmed popup

You can also see in the wallet

Nifty transaction confirmed

By clicking on the transaction, you can see it in the explorer

Nifty transaction explorer

Take a look on my transfer:


Error: Recipient address checksum is invalid

Recipient address checksum is invalid

In another lesson you will learn what checksum is, but for now, if you see this error, you must convert the address to lowercase.

For example,


will be converted to:


Check your balance

After complete the transfer to Academy Wallet, you can check your balance.

In order to check your balance on the RSK Academy wallet, you need to signed in.

If you are not signed in, you will see the message Connect your wallet

If necessary, review Connecting to Academy

Click on your wallet address on the right side of the top bar, to copy it:

Copy address

Here is the Academy wallet app:

To check your balance:

  1. Paste / fill in the Address field with your wallet address
  2. Click the Get balance button

For example, take a look in my balance in the image below:

Academy wallet filled

The result is

Academy wallet balance


You have learned how to do a cryptocurrency transfer using your wallet!

In the next lesson, you will use your wallet to register in the RSK Academy course :)